Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
thank you.
Jeanne-Marie introduced me to the website http://www.thxthxthx.com a few weeks ago (I'm trying to make a conscious effort to expand my internet horizons...you know, visit more websites than Netflix, IMDB, Gmail, and the love/hate relationship with Facebook). Being one of those kids that had to write thank you notes before I could play with my birthday toys/cash the birthday checks, I thoroughly appreciate the dedication to the thank you note website. Not only does the author, Leah, find a positive in the negative situations (coffee spilling on your white tshirt, etc), she also adds her witty humor. Here's one that I came across that I wanted to share....I found it quite fitting being a Los Angeles resident and lover of palm trees. I might even be inspired to start writing some of my own..

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
marvelous monday (tuesday edition).
Tuesday edition is becoming a regular.
I started/finish reading Cheslea Handler's book, "Are you there vodka? It's me, Cheslea." Absolutely hysterical! For those of you who haven't read it, each chapter is a short story about events or incidents that have taken place in her life. No plot line to follow, no going back to previous chapters to see who a character is. I was sitting on the beach this week LOLing to myself. I can't wait to start reading "My Horizontal Life" as soon as I decide to buy it!
Since I have nothing else going on (the 'joys' of being funemployed), I decided to head down to San Diego for a few days. Get away from it all. I couldn't have picked a better week to do this...summer decided to roll in just as I did! Spent all day Thursday and Friday with my ass parked in the sand. Owner of a sunburn but I didn't even care. Christopher decided to join me (more like he forgot his contacts at home and needed me to bring them down) and ended up staying for 2 days. He surfed, I tanned. A great combo if you asked me.
I know that laying in the sun is extremely bad, but why does it feel oh-so-good?
Saturday evening I watched 127 Hours...Holy Cow! I felt so sorry for the poor guy, Aaron (played by James Franco, hence the basis of its appeal) throughout the film. It was rather boring, but the story itself was pretty intense and shows the extremes people go through in order to survive.
I started/finish reading Cheslea Handler's book, "Are you there vodka? It's me, Cheslea." Absolutely hysterical! For those of you who haven't read it, each chapter is a short story about events or incidents that have taken place in her life. No plot line to follow, no going back to previous chapters to see who a character is. I was sitting on the beach this week LOLing to myself. I can't wait to start reading "My Horizontal Life" as soon as I decide to buy it!
Since I have nothing else going on (the 'joys' of being funemployed), I decided to head down to San Diego for a few days. Get away from it all. I couldn't have picked a better week to do this...summer decided to roll in just as I did! Spent all day Thursday and Friday with my ass parked in the sand. Owner of a sunburn but I didn't even care. Christopher decided to join me (more like he forgot his contacts at home and needed me to bring them down) and ended up staying for 2 days. He surfed, I tanned. A great combo if you asked me.
I know that laying in the sun is extremely bad, but why does it feel oh-so-good?
Saturday evening I watched 127 Hours...Holy Cow! I felt so sorry for the poor guy, Aaron (played by James Franco, hence the basis of its appeal) throughout the film. It was rather boring, but the story itself was pretty intense and shows the extremes people go through in order to survive.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
marvelous monday (tuesday edition).
I am going to start by saying that the season finale of Californication was awesome. I feel it left the show in such a great spot - Hank cruising off into the sunset while the story of his life is being made into a movie, Becca and Karen always on his mind..
P90X is kicking my ass. I have muscles sore that I didn't even know existed. I'm not following the workout routine religiously, but rather incorporating it in to my daily routine. I even got my dad doing it - and this is a guy who has worked out his entire life, I can do anything, etc...and sure enough, 5 minutes into a cardio disc he was already dripping in sweat like the rest of us who have attempted the "Fight Club" of workout routines.
Spring Cleaning 2011: Deleted 35+ facebook "friends" and feeling fabulous! I participated in Jimmy Kimmel's National Defriend Day earlier this year and removed around 150 "friends"...I keep putting friends in quotes because I don't feel that the guy I shared notes with in Psych 101 or the random I met at a frat party sophomore year qualify as friends. Not to mention, I realized I don't need these people I don't even know having access to my photos and posts. I have become way too familiar with the 'unfriend' button. It's just so easy.
Jury Duty - I was on call all week and would do a little dance the first few nights when I would call in and hear the delightful message that says "you do not need to report for service, please call back tomorrow after 5 pm." Much to my dismay, my experience was not the same Wednesday night. I was nervous as I dialed, entered in all my info..and heard the machine of death: "please report tomorrow morning at 7:45 to the criminal justice center located on Temple St....blah blah...no sandals (!!!!!!!!!!!!) or cut-off shorts will be permitted, please dress business casual." Yeah, bite me jury duty. I won't even go into the fact that the designated parking area was 6 blocks from the courthouse, but I will say that I WAS DISMISSED and good to go for another year! Done.
Every morning I come downstairs, make coffee, and watch tv. This usually happens around 8-8:30. Well, one morning I was an early riser and made it downstairs at the solid hour of 7:56. And, like a little kid on Christmas morning, was beyond ecstatic to find out that BOY MEETS WORLD is on ABC Family from 7-8 am. Series recording already set on the DVR ( no one remind me that I do own seasons 1 and 2 on dvd, that is not the point here).
Saturday night the neighbors had our family over for what they called Thanksgiving in March. It was nice to have a Thanksgiving dinner with them - a family that has been in my life for as long as I can remember; picked me up from school, taken family vacations with, but never shared Thanksgiving since we all spend it with our blood families. It reminded me family doesn't always have to be blood, but rather the people who are there through it all.
Every Thursday afternoon of my senior year of high school was spent cooking food and bringing it down to the local Salvation Army Center to serve to the homeless. The lasagna we made was always my favorite and I always said one day I'd try to make it myself. Well, Sunday night was the night. It only took me 7 years, but better late than never right? right. It turned out fantastic! I can definitely see why people just make frozen lasagna, considering the money and time that go into the homemade. But, the homemade tasted better and was my own, so that's all there is to it. Frozen was so 1998.
Tried Pho yesterday for the first time ever....and I didn't hate it. I actually would eat it again!
Received funemployment check #2 today...I could so get used to this lifestyle of receiving money for doing nothing (remind me how much I 'loved' my lifestyle in a month when I'm dying to get back to work).
Tonight I discovered a channel called "The Hub"...and let's just say I may never leave the couch ever again. "The Hub" is home to reruns of Doogie Howser, Happy Days, The Wonder Years...and if I make it up super early, Fraggle Rock and Strawberry Shortcake. Reason #10392032 of why I love cable.
P90X is kicking my ass. I have muscles sore that I didn't even know existed. I'm not following the workout routine religiously, but rather incorporating it in to my daily routine. I even got my dad doing it - and this is a guy who has worked out his entire life, I can do anything, etc...and sure enough, 5 minutes into a cardio disc he was already dripping in sweat like the rest of us who have attempted the "Fight Club" of workout routines.
Spring Cleaning 2011: Deleted 35+ facebook "friends" and feeling fabulous! I participated in Jimmy Kimmel's National Defriend Day earlier this year and removed around 150 "friends"...I keep putting friends in quotes because I don't feel that the guy I shared notes with in Psych 101 or the random I met at a frat party sophomore year qualify as friends. Not to mention, I realized I don't need these people I don't even know having access to my photos and posts. I have become way too familiar with the 'unfriend' button. It's just so easy.
Jury Duty - I was on call all week and would do a little dance the first few nights when I would call in and hear the delightful message that says "you do not need to report for service, please call back tomorrow after 5 pm." Much to my dismay, my experience was not the same Wednesday night. I was nervous as I dialed, entered in all my info..and heard the machine of death: "please report tomorrow morning at 7:45 to the criminal justice center located on Temple St....blah blah...no sandals (!!!!!!!!!!!!) or cut-off shorts will be permitted, please dress business casual." Yeah, bite me jury duty. I won't even go into the fact that the designated parking area was 6 blocks from the courthouse, but I will say that I WAS DISMISSED and good to go for another year! Done.
Every morning I come downstairs, make coffee, and watch tv. This usually happens around 8-8:30. Well, one morning I was an early riser and made it downstairs at the solid hour of 7:56. And, like a little kid on Christmas morning, was beyond ecstatic to find out that BOY MEETS WORLD is on ABC Family from 7-8 am. Series recording already set on the DVR ( no one remind me that I do own seasons 1 and 2 on dvd, that is not the point here).
Saturday night the neighbors had our family over for what they called Thanksgiving in March. It was nice to have a Thanksgiving dinner with them - a family that has been in my life for as long as I can remember; picked me up from school, taken family vacations with, but never shared Thanksgiving since we all spend it with our blood families. It reminded me family doesn't always have to be blood, but rather the people who are there through it all.
Every Thursday afternoon of my senior year of high school was spent cooking food and bringing it down to the local Salvation Army Center to serve to the homeless. The lasagna we made was always my favorite and I always said one day I'd try to make it myself. Well, Sunday night was the night. It only took me 7 years, but better late than never right? right. It turned out fantastic! I can definitely see why people just make frozen lasagna, considering the money and time that go into the homemade. But, the homemade tasted better and was my own, so that's all there is to it. Frozen was so 1998.
Tried Pho yesterday for the first time ever....and I didn't hate it. I actually would eat it again!
Received funemployment check #2 today...I could so get used to this lifestyle of receiving money for doing nothing (remind me how much I 'loved' my lifestyle in a month when I'm dying to get back to work).
Tonight I discovered a channel called "The Hub"...and let's just say I may never leave the couch ever again. "The Hub" is home to reruns of Doogie Howser, Happy Days, The Wonder Years...and if I make it up super early, Fraggle Rock and Strawberry Shortcake. Reason #10392032 of why I love cable.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
be the change you wish to see in the world.

I've realized that me, the once social butterfly, has no problem having absolutely zero plans and not leaving the house for days on end.
I've realized that I don't like to go out and drink massive quantities of alcohol anymore...growing up? Or rather not liking the actions of my drinking? My bad decisions, the headaches, the lack of motivation to even get out of bed until 2 pm the next day...
While at one time we wanted it all to hang out, I now have become a fan of leaving some body parts to the imagination.
Friends will come and go...and although it hurts, I know in my heart it's for the best.
Although I feel I am 95% comfortable with myself, I still need to step outside the box every once in a while and see what else the world has to offer.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
rule #32: enjoy the little things.
While watching Zombieland for the oh, probably the 10th time yesterday...I finally wondered, "what are the rest of all these rules that they speak of?" (For those of you that haven't seen it, there are little rules to live by that pop up on the screen throughout the movie..)
Thanks to some internet research, here is the complete list of Zombieland's Rules for Life:
Thanks to some internet research, here is the complete list of Zombieland's Rules for Life:
- Cardio
- The Double Tap
- Beware of Bathrooms
- Wear Seat Belts
- No Attachments
- The “Skillet”
- Travel Light
- Get a Kick Ass Partner
- With your Bare Hands
- Don’t Swing Low
- Use Your Foot
- Bounty Paper Towels
- Shake it Off
- Always carry a change of underwear
- Bowling Ball
- Opportunity Knocks
- Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)
- Limber Up
- Break it Up
- It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint
- Avoid Strip Clubs
- When in doubt Know your way out
- Zipplock
- Use your thumbs
- Shoot First
- A little sun screen never hurt anybody
- Incoming!
- Double-Knot your Shoes
- The Buddy System
- Pack your stain stick
- Check the back seat
- Enjoy the little things
- Swiss army Knife
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
marvelous monday (tuesday edition).
**My reason for not posting yesterday, although I am living the life of leisure: I spent the entire day watching Season 4 of Californication. I absolutely love that show...even more so because it takes place in my hood!
I am back to the life of funemployment, and could not be happier. My mother said she had never met someone so happy to not have a job. Yep, that's me.
Wednesday night Jeanne-Marie and I went to C&O..first time ever I didn't have we didn't have to wait for a table! Food was delicious as always, and the company was even better!
St. Patrick's Day was spent at Rush for the 3rd year in a row....not gonna lie, it's become more and more about the mac n cheese than the drinks/atmosphere.
Also...St. Patrick's Day and I was home before 9...does this mean I'm growing up?
I spent most of this past weekend watching tons of movies and eating oreos dipped in peanut butter. I'm not even ashamed to admit that because the oreos were so good (one of the joys of having my brother home again, there is junk food in the house)!
Met Bucci and her high school friends at Creme de la Crepe in Manhattan Beach on Saturday morning....the food was delicious, and our waiter...straight from France and delightful as ever!
San Diego State...Sweet 16! I hadn't watched a game the entire season and the one time I do it goes into double overtime, giving me and every other SDSU fan a slight heart attack.
Sunday it rained harder than I've seen it rain in LA in well, forever. It was constant rain all day - so hard to the point where it knocked our back wooden fence down! A great excuse to sit inside and do nothing...which of course, I took full advantage of.
Thanks to the rainy day, I was able to sit inside and finish Water for Elephants. LOVED IT! Such a great story, I am excited for the movie to come out!
Received my first funemployment check!
Finished all of Season 4 of Californication sans the season finale which is this Sunday. The anticipation is killing me!
Jury Duty: So far, 2 days and I've been free. Fingers crossed I can make it the whole week!
I am back to the life of funemployment, and could not be happier. My mother said she had never met someone so happy to not have a job. Yep, that's me.
Wednesday night Jeanne-Marie and I went to C&O..first time ever I didn't have we didn't have to wait for a table! Food was delicious as always, and the company was even better!
St. Patrick's Day was spent at Rush for the 3rd year in a row....not gonna lie, it's become more and more about the mac n cheese than the drinks/atmosphere.
Also...St. Patrick's Day and I was home before 9...does this mean I'm growing up?
I spent most of this past weekend watching tons of movies and eating oreos dipped in peanut butter. I'm not even ashamed to admit that because the oreos were so good (one of the joys of having my brother home again, there is junk food in the house)!
Met Bucci and her high school friends at Creme de la Crepe in Manhattan Beach on Saturday morning....the food was delicious, and our waiter...straight from France and delightful as ever!
San Diego State...Sweet 16! I hadn't watched a game the entire season and the one time I do it goes into double overtime, giving me and every other SDSU fan a slight heart attack.
Sunday it rained harder than I've seen it rain in LA in well, forever. It was constant rain all day - so hard to the point where it knocked our back wooden fence down! A great excuse to sit inside and do nothing...which of course, I took full advantage of.
Thanks to the rainy day, I was able to sit inside and finish Water for Elephants. LOVED IT! Such a great story, I am excited for the movie to come out!
Received my first funemployment check!
Finished all of Season 4 of Californication sans the season finale which is this Sunday. The anticipation is killing me!
Jury Duty: So far, 2 days and I've been free. Fingers crossed I can make it the whole week!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
marvelous monday.
Laying in the sun. I know this has always been my natural "stress reliever", but after being in Alaska for 6 + months, I am trying not to take it for granted.
My car got it's first oil change! It's almost a year old, but has hardly any miles on it. I love that my car tells me exactly when it needs to be changed. No more guessing or thinking it's about that time.
I'm having Gossip Girl withdrawals. Two characters who have hated each other the entire series suddenly falling for each other, and then a month hiatus?!
Passed out at 10 pm on Friday night on the couch...and totally okay with it. The best part is that I had only had one glass of wine!
Watched a PBS documentary titled "1900 House" over the weekend. In a nutshell, a modern family was placed in a 1900 style house. No electricity, etc. Made me realize how easy we have it these days and how much I take for granted. From the attire to food preparation, we really do have it all.
Jeanne-Marie is home! I like knowing we are in the same area code, even if I don't see her every day. It makes me smile! :)
My car got it's first oil change! It's almost a year old, but has hardly any miles on it. I love that my car tells me exactly when it needs to be changed. No more guessing or thinking it's about that time.
I'm having Gossip Girl withdrawals. Two characters who have hated each other the entire series suddenly falling for each other, and then a month hiatus?!
Passed out at 10 pm on Friday night on the couch...and totally okay with it. The best part is that I had only had one glass of wine!
Watched a PBS documentary titled "1900 House" over the weekend. In a nutshell, a modern family was placed in a 1900 style house. No electricity, etc. Made me realize how easy we have it these days and how much I take for granted. From the attire to food preparation, we really do have it all.
Jeanne-Marie is home! I like knowing we are in the same area code, even if I don't see her every day. It makes me smile! :)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
marvelous monday.
this post is for the lovely Alison!
I loved being able to sleep in all week and not wake up to the sound of my alarm. Funemployment couldn't be better!
I do not miss the drive to Universal every single morning. That hour + commute was starting to get to me.
Checking out oldies but goodies restaurants with Mom - went to the famous Phillipe's French Dip Sandwiches in downtown LA. Yum!
Gossip Girl Recap: wow. Chuck and Blair?! On hiatus for all of March...April is so far away! xoxo
Everything about this past weekend in the lovely San Francisco was amazing...
I loved being able to sleep in all week and not wake up to the sound of my alarm. Funemployment couldn't be better!
I do not miss the drive to Universal every single morning. That hour + commute was starting to get to me.
Checking out oldies but goodies restaurants with Mom - went to the famous Phillipe's French Dip Sandwiches in downtown LA. Yum!
Gossip Girl Recap: wow. Chuck and Blair?! On hiatus for all of March...April is so far away! xoxo
Everything about this past weekend in the lovely San Francisco was amazing...
- Finally saw The Painted Ladies, aka the Full House house! Not gonna lie, at first I wasn't impressed. But now that I go back and look at my photos, it's amazing.
- This goat cheese heaven grilled panini from Tartine! Not to mention, some great bread pudding!
- A day of barrel tasting up in the wine country! We made it to about 5 different wineries and had some amazing food and even better company for dinner!
- Sunday Funday, acting like we're 20 years old again. I think we each had a pitcher and a half of mimosas, followed by tacos...and then pizza. Such a great time and great to see everyone!
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