highlights from the week!
GLEE! This week's episode was fantastic! I loved all of the songs, and the ending of the episode where all of Rachel's guys go against her! I know, I'm so evil haha. I feel she sorta brought that upon herself - almost as if she's only dating the new guy to make Fin jealous.
Sad to say I spent pretty much the entire weekend in bed with the
flu - no fun! But, I guess with this flu going around the office I was bound to get it. My body is stiff today from laying in bed all weekend, but glad I was able to get in some much needed rest!
In my flu state/not leaving the couch this weekend, I discovered the show
Modern Family. Where have I been all season!? The show is hysterical! Definitely setting the DVR for a series recording on this one.
Starbucks Happy Hour. I saw on TV that Starbucks is doing a promotion until the 16th where ALL of their fraps are half off from 3-5! So, Christopher and I went on Saturday afternoon (in my sickness and all) and got 2 Frap's for $4! And he even splurged and got a Venti- now that's what I call a steal! Obvi I'll have to go back this week before this amazing deal ends!
Seeing the happiness on my mom's face knowing that she didn't have to do
ANYTHING yesterday - no prep work, no cooking, no clean up. My cousins and I did it all - her and Aunt Carol didn't do a thing, and I loved it! Scott brought appetizers, Bryan did a fruit salad, and I made Jeanne-Marie's pasta salad, kabobs, and some chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. Everything turned out great - will post pics soon!
Realizing that at 24 years old, I
still cannot use hair rollers properly. Yep, had a flashback to 11 year old me yesterday and got about 5 of them stuck in my hair. As my mom said to me, "Never did I think I would spend an hour of Mother's Day helping my 24 year old daughter untangle her hair!" Note to self: Stick to the curling iron.